Thursday, November 13, 2008


HOLY COW!!! $1,027.00!!!!!

Hola Y'all!!

Mom just called all us perros into the room and told us we have received a total of $1,027.00 in donations for the spay/neuter clinic that's comin' up.!!! We are all waggin' so hard Mom says we're stirrin' up all the loose dog hair!!!

Princess Joy almost went into happy shock!!! That's her photo up above.

Course I wasn't as surprised as the rest of 'em.
I know what great folks y'all are and I knew you'd come through for us on this clinic.
This is the first time we have actually done a fund raiser ourselves.

Thank you all SOOOOOO much!!! This money will buy vaccines, antibiotics, wormers, syringes, needles, scalpels, disinfectants, and ALL KINDS of stuff for the big event!!

Mom put some new pics on my photo page so go check it out!!! My two legged human bro, who lives in Montezuma is becoming quite a photographer!! Mom put a couple of his photos on the site. He gets all his talent from me of course.
There's a pic he took of a monkey outside his shop and a neighbors little girl on the beach.
Oh!! And there's a pic of Miss Krystal when she got her blood transfusion. She is feeling a lot better now but she is still on medication.
There's a pic of Mom's fig too!! She and Dad planted a fig tree last year and it is making FIGS!!!!

Our sunsets are back so there's a couple of those on there too!! We know how much you like the sunsets.

The pics are at

Thanks again folks. We are all SOOOOO happy!!!! Mom's gonna call Dr. Olman tomorrow to order stuff!!!

Let us know what you think about the photo site!!! I LOVE gettin' e-mails!!!


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