Saturday, August 18, 2012

Aug. 18, 2012

Kristina and Michelle, Kristinas sister, are done with their volunteer work and we sure are gonna miss them!! They are GREAT young ladies!! Their Mama and Daddy did a good job raising them!!! And they're PRETTY too!!!


Our reminder is late today cause Mom has been busy watching Merlon and Dad cut a dead tree. Her job is to stand there and wring her hands, worry and say "OH!! OH!!! BE CAREFUL!!? Mom says the way they do things here is a little nerve wracking.
It hangs over our fence and if it fell it could take the fence and possibly the gate down with it.
Mom did a quick video so you can see how they do it here.

Mom's gotta get back out to the tree so we gotta go!!

Thank you ALL so much!! Without you we wouldn't stand a chance. You folks ROCK!!
Just go to and click on the "Shelter Challenge" tab on the right. Then click on Costa Rica for the country and click search. Click on Lighthouse and click vote!!! Then type in the letters/numbers that appear to confirm your vote!! That's all there is to it!! The next time you vote there should be a message just below the search thingy that says, "This is the shelter you voted for during your last visit. If it says Lighthouse then all you gotta do is click VOTE!! Ya don't have to search for it anymore after the first time!!


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