Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas photo shoot for the GOOFY cats!!

Mom and Dad tried to do Christmas pics of the cats last night!! MAN!!!!!! Cats sure don't know how to follow directions!! Even with Dad standing there offering them treats ...they STILL wouldn't sit still!!! Goofy cats!!!! Mom took LOTS of pics and most of them ended up looking like the ones attached here!!! We did get SOME good ones though and you'll get to see those later!!

FOUR MORE DAYS!!!!!! Thank you ALL!!!!! We can do this!!! Just go to and click on the "shelter challenge" tab. Then click on Costa Rica for the country. That should bring up Lighthouse. Just click VOTE and then type in the letters/numbers that appear to confirm your vote.

Mom and Uncle Brad went to see Santa yesterday and he wasn't there!!! Mom says he must have moved 'cause there were NO toys at ALL at his house!!! We're gettin' a little worried!!! Where's he go????? We just GOTTA have toys for Christmas!!!!

OH!! And here's a video Mom found on-line that made her real happy!!! We thought you might like it too!!

Don't forget to look at our calendars and book!! You're gonna need a new calendar for 2012 anyway!!!
You can see 'em at these two links.

Y'all have a great day and check around and see if maybe Santa moved to your town!! Tell him we're lookin' for him!!



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