Monday, February 16, 2009

Why we need a helicopter

The photos below were taken by an INCREDIBLE professional photographer. Mr. John Dessarzin.
They show the road we were on the other day when we went into Cinchona by car.
The bridge is destroyed even though there are still parts of it there.
But the road is, in some spots, just hanging off the side of the mountain.
I have tried to mark some of the spots on the road so you can see what I am talking about.
In the notations on the one picture #'s 1, 2, 3 and 7 are where landslides have covered the road.
# 6 is where the road has caved away even more than it was the day I was driving on it.
# 4 shows where the road has slid down and is now just sort of hanging there in a very slanted position.
# 5 shows what is left of the bridge.

Just click on the photos to get a larger view.

None of this can compare to what has happened on the other side of the mountain where we went, by car, to try to rescue the animals.

As you can clearly see, there is no way to get in there except by helicopter.

We are hoping to go back in sometime this next week to try to collect the remaining animals.

I am posting more photos to our photo site at
All of them were taken by John Dessarzin.

Say a prayer for us please.

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