Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Exciting Day Yesterday!!!

Hi Everyone!!!

We had a very exciting day yesterday!! A photographer from Boston Mass. came to our shelter and took pics of all the canine type furkids!!! We all had SUCH a good time!!!

The dogs all felt like the paparazzi had arrived!!! Here's a shot I took while they were working with Mr. Fox!!!

The photographers name is Kaylee and her business is called Dog Breath Photography. You can see some of her work at this link!!! 

And her blog is here!! http://dogbreathblog.com/

She does some AMAZING work!!! We can't wait to see all the shots she took of the fuzzbutts here!!!
Here's one she took of our view!!!

Thank you SOOOO much, Kaylee, for choosing our rescue kids to photograph!!

Daughter Joray and I are heading to Nicaragua tomorrow to look at some property. We truly love Costa Rica.....but things are getting SO expensive here we are looking at alternatives. Hopefully we will be able to stay here in this gorgeous country but we are looking ....just in case.

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