Hola Y'all!!!
It's been a while since I posted!! I've been pretty busy takin' care of Mom and all the other furkids.
The photos above are of the new kid here!! She was a mess when she arrived and she turned out to be a SCHNAUZER!!! Who would'a guessed??? Her name is Lacy and she is a real sweetheart!!
Mom lost her voice about a month ago. The doctor says her right vocal cord is paralyzed!! Nobody knows why. She's doin' exercises and stuff and trying to make it work again. And the doctor gave her a steroid spay to use. She is finally able to talk a little better but she still can't yell or sing!!! The doctor says if it doesn't correct itself they might have to do a surgery.
Paco is doin' GREAT!! He is a happy, healthy furkid except he has a weak back end. His back legs don't work exactly right. It doesn't seem to hurt him or slow him down though and he runs and plays with the other furkids!!! Mom's gonna get him ex-rayed to try to find out what the problem is.
Here's a video of some of us out in the yard playing!!
Don't forget to vote for us in the shelter challenge!!! Just go to www.animalrescuesite.com. Click on the vertical tab on the right "Shelter Challenge" type in lighthouse and click Costa Rica for country. Search and when our name comes up VOTE FOR US!! Then be sure to wait for the confirmation question to confirm your vote.
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