We've been pretty busy around here so we have gotten behind on our blogging again. Sorry about that but we'll try to catch you up with this blog post.
We lost our Andre on July 2nd. He had not been feeling well for a couple of days due to the cancer he had. When he started refusing to eat we knew it was time to let him go. Up until then he never seemed "sick" but we knew the time would come when he needed to go to the bridge to be with all the others.
He was a most precious member of our family and we miss him like crazy.
Rest peacefully at the bridge our little man.
Gracie, who was emaciated when I picked her up off the street, has done incredibly well and is running the other dogs ragged!!
Here's her video!!!
Miss Mercy, the little girl who was starved almost to death, is up and runnin'!!!!! She's doing great and will soon be ready to be spayed. What a little scamp she is!!!
Here's her video!!
Mr. Fox, the dog who was terribly sick and who had been injured in his hind quarters is doing much better too. He is still weak in his back legs and pelvic but he is learning to deal with his handicaps.
Here's his video!!
We'll try to do better in the future about updating the blog but we can't make any promises. Mom says us furkids come first.
Y'all have a great day!!!
Tailwags from the whole Lighthouse Crew!!!