Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sept. 1, 2012

Thanks again for all the votes!!! You folks are the best!! Don't forget, starting Monday we all vote for Bahamas for ONE WEEK ONLY!!
Just go to and click on the "Shelter Challenge" tab on the right. Then click on Costa Rica for the country and click search. Click on Lighthouse and click vote!!! Then type in the letters/numbers that appear to confirm your vote!! That's all there is to it!! The next time you vote there should be a message just below the search thingy that says, "This is the shelter you voted for during your last visit. If it says Lighthouse then all you gotta do is click VOTE!! Ya don't have to search for it anymore after the first time!!

WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!!! Don Gato is up and around and wanting out of his crate!! He's eating, drinking, peeing and HE POOPED!!!! Mom is SOOOOOOOOOOO happy!!!!
He was meowing at her this morning when she went out to clean his crate!! He was hungry and he wanted to come out!!
All the prayers and healing energy is working!!!!

Mom finally put a litter box in with Don Gato last night and he looked at it like it was an alien. Then he tried to eat the litter. He spit it out pretty quick though. But he figured out he could poop in it and he DID!!! THREE TIMES!!!!

His owners were here to visit him again last night and we had all decided if he didn't poop last night we would give him a little mineral oil to help it along. He hasn't pooped since he got here on the 23rd!!! That's 10 DAYS!!!!!

Her Ladyship Mirri is bouncing around, wagging that little stub of a tail and doing REALLY good!!!! Mom says she's gonna be one super spoiled little girl!!!!!



All us Lighthouse kids are really glad 'cause that means Mom will have more time to snuggle with us!!!!

Thank you ALL for all the prayers and healing energy and thanks for all the votes!!
And Starting Monday we're all gonna vote for the Bahamas shelter for ONE WEEK ONLY so we can help them win a weekly prize of $1,000.00. If they win a weekly then Lighthouse maybe can win the international prize of $1,000.00!!! It'll be a DOUBLE WIN!!!
One for us and one for them!!
If they don't win a weekly then we won't win the international so be sure to vote for Bahamas from this Monday through Sunday the 9th!!

Mom's adding our favorite sunset pic 'cause it just makes her happy!!



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