Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Lot's Going On At Lighthouse

Hola Y'all!!

Lots of excitement around here!!
Dennis, the guy that did the interview last week, sent us an email saying the interview is up on the site!! YAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mom says it makes her blush to read it!! It makes her and Dad sound like heroes and Mom says they're just doin' what they're supposed to do!!
You can go here to read it!!! www.welovecostarica.com
It's a members only site so you'll have to join to read it and see the pics. Membership is free and there's lots of other news there about retirement in Costa Rica. You can choose not to get the email updates if you like and just go read stuff when you want to. They only send out about 2 emails a week anyway!!

Llutu and Bandito are ready for their new home!! They sure would love to be adopted together!! They're little bitty furkids so Bandito says, "Hey!! We don't take up much room!!"
If you're thinkin' about getting a best friend to warm your lap AND your heart PLEASE consider these kids!!
They are SUCH cuties and they really deserve a home of their own with a family they can share all their love with!!

Mom went yesterday with Mailene, Bros' fiance, to pick out her wedding dress. When Bro and Mailene get married we'll have two human puppies in the family!!! Emily and Lucy!! They're CRAZY about us fuzzbutts and they are REALLY happy they're gonna have a new dad and grandom and grandad. They wanted lunch so they got to pick where. They picked Burger King. Mom says she'll have to teach them about gringo food. In Costa Rica they mainly eat beans and rice so maybe good gringo food will steer them away from fast food. When we first moved to Costa Rica you NEVER saw overweight people. Then american fast food came here and now there's LOTS of overweight people!! Mom says that's not good!!!

Here's another Costa Rica roads pic!!! If you break down here you're supposed to set triangles up in on the road before and after your car so people will know to slow down. If ya don't have those red, reflective triangles you have to improvise!! Some people will just cut limbs off a nearby tree and lay them in the road. Mom says driving here is an adventure!!

Be sure to vote today!! Only 6 more days and Aunt Helene can WIN!! WAGWAGWAG!!! You can see all her adoptable furkids at www.meetyourdog.com
She's got LOTS of great furkids looking for that perfect home.

 Just go to www.theanimalrescuesite.com
and click on the vertical tab "shelter challenge." Then click on Costa Rica for the country and click search and look for "Asociacion Elena - Perros que ME encontraron"  Click on that and click VOTE and then type in the letters/numbers that appear to confirm your vote!!!! The next time you go to the vote site there should be a little thing at the bottom of the vote thing that says, "This is the shelter you voted for during your last visit." All ya gotta do is click VOTE!! Ya don't even have to do a search!


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